• But I Love Him: Protecting Your Teen Daughter from Controlling, Abusive Dating Relationships

But I Love Him: Protecting Your Teen Daughter from Controlling, Abusive Dating Relationships

  • Product Code: 20211201T000001931
  • In Stock
The statistics are frightening: one in three girls will find themselves in a controlling and abusive relationship - even before she leaves high school. Dr. Jill Murray has been touring secondary schools for most of her career, discussing verbal and physical abuse with tens of thousands of students, teachers and councilors. In this important book But I Love Him, Murray explores the early warning signs of abuse, from subtler manipulative behavior such as the boy not letting the girl spend time with her friends, and saying "I love you" early in the relationship, to more obvious indications that there is a problem, including threats and humiliation. This invaluable volume lays out the framework for what is considered to be a healthy relationship, showing teens what is - and isn’t - acceptable, and professing the utmost importance in respecting themselves.
Subject Interpersonal Relations
Author Murray, Jill
Format Softcover
Publisher ReganBooks
Supplier Bookdepot
Supplier Code BDT